Методические рекомендации
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Методические рекомендации по КР ААБ_2019
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  1. Don't just read your slides! Discuss them.
  2. Don't make your slides a transcript of all your talk! Spot the key points.
  3. Don't expect the audience to guess all your thoughts and facts! Use handout (with Glossary, Graphics, Pictures, Tables, Diagrams etc.) or interactive materials QR-code whenever necessary.
  4. Don't talk overtime! Structure your talk. Talk on schedule! (5 minutes is just it.)
  5. Don't waste your presentation time on reading a number of different definitions of the same extra notion! Use Glossary. Introduce your final definition.
  6. Don't talk too much about others' research! Talk about your own research.
  7. Don't talk about other's books! You can show the references on your slides. 
  8. Don't expect your presentation animation and video work perfectly well on another's PC! (So keep extra video files in order to try to open them separately.)
  9. Don't expect agreement of the audience on all your points. Try to justify all of your inferences and conclusions by scientific research methods and results.
  10. Don't forget to answer questions clearly.
  11. Don't speak Ruglish!
  12. Don't cherish the idea that your Plagiarism % is quite unimportant.   


Course Paper Structure and Writing Tips.
Adobe Acrobat Document 619.7 KB
Course Paper Presentation Structure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 889.7 KB
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM [pleɪdʒɪərɪzəm] ?
About Plagiarism ААБ 05-02-2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 560.8 KB
Course Paper Presentation Tips3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 125.0 KB
What is your Research Methodology like?
What is Methodology like ААБ 05-02-2019.
Adobe Acrobat Document 1'019.0 KB
What is Hypothesis?
HYPOTHESIS ААБ 05-02-2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 964.4 KB
What is Theory?
What is Theory ААБ 05-02-2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 671.7 KB